CocoRico French Café & Crêperie w Saint Helier

JerseyCocoRico French Café & Crêperie


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

2, Charing Cross, JE2 3RP, Saint Helier, JE Jersey
kontakt telefon: +44 1534 866607
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 49.1849762, Longitude: -2.1090144

komentarze 5

  • Emily Hamilton

    Emily Hamilton


    We hosted our wedding with Seb at Cocorico and it was the best decision we ever made. Seb is so wonderful to work with and the food on the day was *incredible* and very reasonably priced. I had multiple people message me the following day to say how amazing the food was (including one who is a wedding planner in the UK!). We had a few guests with complicated food allergies and Seb went above and beyond to make sure they had an equally gorgeous meal. Both reported back wanting recipes! Unfortunately I don't have any photos of the food yet to include. We can't thank you enough Seb for making our day so amazing. Highly recommend anyone who wants to host a small party with outstanding food!

  • Kendra Melville

    Kendra Melville


    Went for brunch with a group of 5, food came out at separate times and only a small selection to choose from. The crepes were decent, but could only choose from three ingredients! Wish there was more variety for breakfast.

  • valdo escorcio

    valdo escorcio


    Wonderful place to eat at a good price.

  • Pamela Joseph

    Pamela Joseph


    I have been here a number of times and the food is consistently delicious. The salads are fresh, the cooked food is flavourful and the service is excellent. The food is served pretty quickly, so you can enjoy lunch and still have time for a little walk even on a workday lunch break.

  • dave pelton

    dave pelton


    Popped in here for a cappuccino and toasted cheese and ham sandwich. Very tasty and a good mug of coffee. Enough tables in here although it was very busy at lunchtime. Decent prices and would recommend.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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