Aarons Bikes i Saint Helier

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5 Gloucester Street St Helier, St Helier JE2 3QR, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 280989
Hjemmeside: www.aaronsbikes.com
Latitude: 49.1872224, Longitude: -2.1112936
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Kommentar 5

  • Karolina J.

    Karolina J.


    Friedly and helpful staff, comfortable bike (I rented regular trekking bike). Good location to go cycling at the waterfront!

  • Pierre Jehan

    Pierre Jehan


    Very helpful. Made sure we had helmets and locks and gave us a discount as we were renting the 2 bikes on a Saturday and couldn't return them on Sunday. I highly recommend Aarons bikes and also the bikes were in good order.

  • Raymond Reid

    Raymond Reid


    I found Aaron to be very helpful and he spent time answering all my questions and describing the ebike before I decided to purchase the bike. Very good service would recommend a visit to the shop for anyone thinking of buying a bicycle.

  • Bruce Clark

    Bruce Clark


    I had some issues with my bicycle making lots of funny noises, so thought it needed replacing. Aaron fixed them all and it is like a having a new bike again. I couldn't recommend him enough.

  • h melville

    h melville


    I tried to book an Ebike in advance. I sent emails and I phoned, only to be told to phone back nearer the time. I did this only to be told there were now none available. I chose Aaron bikes as they had good reviews, I could have gone elsewhere but took their advice and waited. Now I'm not going to enjoy my holiday as much as I'm not fit and will have to hire a unpowered bike. Poor, poor customer service.

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