Aeropuerto de Jersey in Saint Peter

JerseyAeropuerto de Jersey


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St Peter JE1 1BY, Jersey
kontakte telefon: +44 1534 446000
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 49.2074637, Longitude: -2.1952207

kommentare 5

  • Nathan Le Blancq

    Nathan Le Blancq


    I don’t mind this airport, decent food post security, which is pretty efficient and quick nowadays. Courteous staff, decent selection of display screens scattered throughout along with a functional PA system for announcements if your running late. Top tip! Go through duty free as if your going to the gates, as you see the dividing doors to the gates look left and then go up the staircase. There’s a very quiet and little-known observation deck that’s great if you need a quiet space to work or rest.

  • Sam Shaw

    Sam Shaw


    Parts of the airport, especially the gates feel dated - The shops and facilities are fine for its size. Didn’t have the best (or worst!) experience with some of the airline staff but I absolutely rate the airport itself. It’s almost definitely down to its size and limited routes but Jersey’s airport is incredibly relaxed, efficient and quick both entering and leaving, nothing like most airports I’ve been through.

  • en

    Laurence Bois


    Ample parking, good shopping and observation deck airside. The one downside is the departure lounge is outdated and lit by nausea-inducing coloured lighting that made me and the group I was travelling with feel as if we were suffering the effects of LSD.

  • en

    Paul Duggan


    Well serviced little airport for its size, with a decent duty free store in departures and pretty good food and drink for the weary traveller. Security clearance is nearly always fast, but it does struggle to manage on the rare occasion it is very busy.

  • David Gardiner

    David Gardiner


    A nice small airport, the children's play area is good if you are waiting for somebody to arrive.

nächste Flughafen

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