Bella Italia Jersey i Saint Helier

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10-12, York Street, JE2 3RQ, Saint Helier, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 725478
Latitude: 49.185887, Longitude: -2.10943
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Kommentar 5

  • Eva LeChevere

    Eva LeChevere


    It is alright to eat here. But it isn't that good but my own opinion but I say so.

  • Ariel Kendall

    Ariel Kendall


    I would give no stars if i could..!! Went for a breakfast waited 40 minutes for a cold breakfast, the chef disappeared for 20 minutes, the staff are terrible and grumpy no smiles. my son's eggs had jelly on uncooked! (salmonella no thanks!) my wife's omelette was the same. I ended up complaining and leaving without paying. All the staff did was laugh...horrendous experience never again!

  • Richard Abel

    Richard Abel


    Nice restaurant but sadly our experience wasn't too great, also my girlfriend ordered the 500kal pizza which was the same price as the not do health pizza but a quarter of the size is abit mental. Also it's a little cramped rubbing elbows with a stranger throughout your meal is a little off putting. The staff only came round once to see if we needed any more drinks or if everything ok and trying to order another drink it was abit of a headache... on the upside the food was nice just over priced

  • dwfmedia UK

    dwfmedia UK


    Loved this place. Food was #great but what also made it was the staff, they were attentive to my son (as it was his birthday) and made extra special effort. Great overall experience there. Don't think about it just GO!

  • Peter John Noble

    Peter John Noble


    Good quick service, good food and value - handy for lunch

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