Durrell Wildlife Camp i Trinity

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La Profonde Rue, JE3 5BP, Trinity, Jersey, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 860090
Hjemmeside: www.durrell.org
Latitude: 49.2283587, Longitude: -2.0749942
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Kommentar 5

  • Russell F

    Russell F


    Please do not go to Durrell expecting to see a show if animals like lions etc. Instead go and learn about conservation and the importance of Durrell in the world.

  • Paul Milon

    Paul Milon


    Amazing wildlife preservation trust. The money all goes to looking after endangered species. Its says it is a zoo but it really isnt. Its all about the animals!

  • helena scott

    helena scott


    Durrell is a lovely place to go and visit. Has a large selection of endangered species to see. It also has an amazing breeding programme. The entrance fee and cafe are both expensive but don't mind paying as the money goes back towards the animals upkeep. Well worth visiting.

  • Simon Toms

    Simon Toms


    Wonderful visit to Durrell. So much more about the conservation effort than a zoo. A must visit place for those with or without kids. Very helpful and knowledgeable staff.

  • Vincent Slaven

    Vincent Slaven


    Amazing place, loved seeing the animals run freely with an abundance of space in their natural habitat. The bears and gorillas were particularly amusing and happy. Lovely garden areas for kids to play or to picnic. Welcoming cafe with a few healthy options, great children's pick n mix lunch box, lots of choice. Well stocked Gift shop with soft animals, gifts & toys. We liked the 'used books' hut, pay 50p per book and cash for the zoo.

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