Hotel Revere i Saint Helier

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Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 611111
Latitude: 49.1877886, Longitude: -2.1137888
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Kommentar 5

  • Wendy Roberts

    Wendy Roberts


    Very clean rooms fantastic location and staff very friendly

  • Carlos Graef

    Carlos Graef


    Nice and cosy place with parking next door, own restaurants and other restaurants very near.

  • suzan hopkins

    suzan hopkins


    The was room was very hot and stuffy and we were unable to open the window.The shower was not working properly you could not regulate the water temperature so it was either scolding hot or freezing cold. We were moved to another room right at the top, the second room had twin beds ,mattresses were spongy and uncomfortable. Restaurant was very good and so was the breakfast. Staff were great. Hotel in need desperate of modernisation .

  • Mark Smith

    Mark Smith


    Friendly staff, only too pleased to help. Huge breakfast. Maybe could do with a bit of decoration. Spotlessly clean

  • Paul Copage

    Paul Copage


    Our 4 night stay for business / pleasure was very pleasant and the staff were very helpful. Note that there is no lift here and if your on the top floor, it is a bit of a trudge up. Thankfully, when we arrived Tony whisked our bags up to our room without us noticing. Ideally located with access to the town and if you have a car, the hotel has scratch cards for the pay and display. 17:00 - 08:00 free so if you do leave it overnight you can put scratch cards in window the night before to save rushing in the morning. The Moran's bistro next door is fantastic as is the Indian restaurant across the road 'Spice cafe' and the Italian across the road (not so the one next door).

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