Jersey Museum & Art Gallery, Merchant's House i Saint Helier

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The Weighbridge, Saint Helier JE2 3NG, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 633300
Latitude: 49.182601, Longitude: -2.107164
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Kommentar 5

  • Eric Watterlot

    Eric Watterlot


    Très beau musée qui reprend l île depuis ses origines. A noter la Merchant'house exceptionnelle. Tout à fait original également, le dance floor des années 80 et les salles reprenant l évolution depuis le début 19ème jusqu à nos jours

  • Sarah Burton

    Sarah Burton


    Absolutely brilliant! This is a must-visit attraction. Societe Jersiaise has created a fantastic and informative museum here at Pier Road - it's full of amazing history and, when I was there, an exhibition of the 80s that brought back memories for me of those years in island life. Brilliant!

  • Johanne Baker

    Johanne Baker


    Stunning informative friendly museum. Entertaining and engaging. Loved the live Victorians placed to interact with visitors

  • Kevin bl

    Kevin bl


    Great for a rainy day. Can soend a coulme of hourse here, nice cafe and putdoor bar gor sunnier times

  • Andy kitson

    Andy kitson


    Amazing museum that gives a great overview of the island. If you come to Jersey you should come here. Also the staff are amazing

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