Jersey Zoo i Trinity

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La Profonde Rue, Trinity JE3 5BP, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 860000
Latitude: 49.2281755, Longitude: -2.0752758
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Kommentar 5

  • Eva LeChevere

    Eva LeChevere


    It was a great place were you could see animals they were so cute the animals. The staff her helpful and they could show you around if you have never been before. It was excellent enjoyable and they have benches to have a picnic on them. 😀😉☺️🇯🇪

  • Roman Pawlik

    Roman Pawlik


    Tylko zwierzęta się chowają.

  • Elizabeth Dalton

    Elizabeth Dalton


    We had a wonderful visit to the zoo. Different animals to see and very well looked after. The zoo was updating some of the enclosures to improve their welfare. Transport to the zoo is available and tickets are reasonable priced. Great café facilities with choice of food. There's a great shop which has pocket money items too.

  • Shizhe Liu

    Shizhe Liu


    An amazing zoo in Jersey. There were lots of animals and the talks were very informative. They are doing a great job of saving endangered species, which is something I really value about zoos. Also, there was a massive selection of animals ranging big to small. The food in the cafe was good. Large car park. Great indoor areas. Highly recommend it

  • Marcin Salws

    Marcin Salws


    Fajne zoo tylko w marcu połowy zwierząt nie ma

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