The Lyndhurst Jersey i Saint-Brélade

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La Route de la Haule, JE3 8BA, Saint-Brélade, JE Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 720317
Latitude: 49.1934891, Longitude: -2.1651649
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Kommentar 5

  • Victoria Sokolova

    Victoria Sokolova


    One of the best hotels we have stayed at. Caring owners / hosts, excellent service, good value, convenient location. We will be back! Thanks

  • Anne Feat

    Anne Feat


    Très bon accueil et petit déjeuner très copieux et excellent ! Jolie vue de la terrasse. Annette la propriétaire est aux petits soins pour ses invités ! :-)

  • Tony Phipps

    Tony Phipps


    Very welcoming. Treated very well. Great 5 day stay😁thank you

  • David Mallinson

    David Mallinson


    Annette and Angelo are a lovely couple. First class hosts and go the extra mile plus to ensure their guests are well looked after and happy. Breakfast is excellent. Their chef and staff are First Class. Ideally situated on a good bus route and lovely restaurants in the area.

  • EVA XU

    EVA XU


    Polite and warm welcoming staff! Great location next to the beachfront! 15% off discount offered by the hotel host for most of popular restaurants in the town!

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