The Mansell Collection and Full Service Centre i Saint Helier

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Saint Aubin's Road, Saint Helier JE2 3SD, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 880606
Latitude: 49.1934359, Longitude: -2.1256315
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Kommentar 5

  • Mark Cartwright

    Mark Cartwright


    A wonderful and extensive collection of not only F1 and Indy car memorabilia, but of other aspects from Nigel’s life and achievements. A very detailed and interesting audio guide by Nigel is included and well worth following. The day was rounded off superbly by meeting the F1 great himself! Thank you Nigel!

  • Alex Canham

    Alex Canham


    Awesome experience and well worth £10. You get the audio with the cost and it's great to see all the trophies, cars and memorabilia. We almost bumped into the great man Nigel himself but we had trouble parking so we missed him.

  • carl stocksborough

    carl stocksborough


    What a brilliant place this is, make sure you listen to the audio tour otherwise you would really have a clue what's there cause there is so many trophies, I thought there would be more cars to look at if I'm honest but still a brilliant place and if you like motorsport it's a must visit.

  • Jeremy Wallach

    Jeremy Wallach


    Only Nigel Mansell's closest devotees will know just what an incredible individual he is. Walking around the small but multi-faceted museum, one listens to him telling you about everything he has achieved - and that's plenty! He's proud about it without being big-headed and the exhibits themselves are top notch memorabilia that well justify the visit I made there with my son.

  • Douglas Devey

    Douglas Devey


    Really interesting experience. Audio commentary by the great man himself - so gives added personal insight into the exhibits. I've been 3 times and they keep changing the displays a little, so you get some old favourites and some new angles too. My 21yr old son enjoys it too - so it's not just for "gentlemen of a particular age". I've been 3 times - happy to go again.

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