Fort Regent i Saint Helier

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Mount Bingham, St Helier JE2 4UX, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 449600
Latitude: 49.183006, Longitude: -2.105514
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Kommentar 5

  • Lez Mac

    Lez Mac


    It'd a good sports facilities. Quite a range

  • Richard Abel

    Richard Abel


    Cannot complain apart from the price but it is jersey... would defiantly recommend becoming a member as it entitals you to gain access to any classes, three gym locations, swimming, squash, badminton and many more I would go for the 6 month package although it is £256 straight out of the account you avoid paying a £30 activation card and £45.90 a month for a year. I can say I have been to a few classes and the staff are excellent and very well trained the squash courts are great you just turn up 15 minutes before and get a court otherwise it's £7.60 to book one, The gym facilities are quality with a wide range of equipment and plenty to go around the weights are abit scarce at peak times though

  • Raghuveer Shettigar

    Raghuveer Shettigar


    Cheap and cheerful option in Jersey. Not bad for the hard earned money towards maintenance of oneself.

  • Diogo Alves

    Diogo Alves


    Great sports facility. A bit of every sport

  • Hélène Louineau

    Hélène Louineau


    Lieu sympa pour y faire du sport ,ou boire un verre le temps que les enfants jouent sur les structures , salle de concert

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