Grand Jersey Hotel & Spa i Saint Helier

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Esplanade, St Helier JE2 3QA
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 722301
Latitude: 49.187368, Longitude: -2.116112
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Kommentar 5

  • Corinne Smith

    Corinne Smith


    Guests were restricted to access to the outside terrace bar to some degree when private parties were using the terrace bar. However, I would like to point out that the staff were brilliant, always happy to help and walk extra mile. Wonderful food, great menus. Staff friendly and cheerful. The Concierge Hugo sets a good example to staff with looking after guests and he remembered our names all week. Thanks Hugo

  • carl stocksborough

    carl stocksborough


    So far so good, as the name states it's grand, it's a very well kept traditional hotel, the spar and gym facilities are very modern the pool is a good size the gym in on the small side though, it's a 5 min walk In to town where the action is soon nice and close the views of a day time are brilliant from the bar terrace on the front, I would deffinitly recommend the hotel.

  • Mark Beresford

    Mark Beresford


    Stayed here a few times now, including last night. Fantastic as always. Upgraded to an ocean view room which was well worth it with the sunny weather. Our room happened to have a balcony too which gave a nice view of the bay. Had a couple cocktails in the bar which were brilliant before heading elsewhere for dinner. The room itself was very comfortable and the bathroom was nice too. We opted for breakfast in the room which you can pre-order up to 3am by leaving your order hanging on your door handle. The selection is wide and the quality is high. Followed this up with a quick trip into the spa. The spa is nice, can feel a little crampt if it is busy but they've done well with the space they have available. Fantastic hotel.

  • Hala el rayess

    Hala el rayess


    My partner and I spent the weekend there, it was his christmas gift for us to be together at a SPA hotel. The only reason I'm giving this a 4 star is because of their concierge Hugo, he is super sweet and very welcoming. He's the star of the show there... But I would NOT consider this hotel to be rated as a 5 star one. A few things here and there made me, on a personal level rate it as a 4 star hotel.

  • Shizhe Liu

    Shizhe Liu


    My incredible experience at the Grand Jersey hotel started with a smooth check in. Then a member of staff showed us our room and took our luggage up to our room. The room was massive and the bed was comfy. In the morning, we were treated to a delicious breakfast. The selection was incredible and so was the yogurt. We were offered turndown service every night and received excellent sleep. However, the most amazing thing about our stay was the service. On Christmas Day, we thought the hotel would be busy and we needed afternoon tea. Despite everything, the champagne lounge was open and we got amazing afternoon tea. Would definitely return to this hotel.

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