Maritime Museum i Saint Helier

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New North Quay, St Helier JE2 3ND, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 811043
Latitude: 49.1815334, Longitude: -2.1100303
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Kommentar 5

  • Polymedes Άργος

    Polymedes Άργος


    Un musée on ne peut plus vivant ! Vous pouvez toucher à tout ! Tous les phénomènes sont présents : vents et marées, courants, odeur des poissons séchés, odeur de la poudre à canon, chants des baleines ! ...

  • Oliver Smart

    Oliver Smart


    There is a picture of me on the wall here from when I was 12,clearly going to give it 5 stars :p

  • Sandy Stanbridge

    Sandy Stanbridge


    A lot more interesting than I thought it would be as i am not into boats.great for children lots to do

  • Fabienne Price

    Fabienne Price


    Exciting and interesting exhibits. Very extensive. A bit bewildering after a while as there is so much!

  • Michelle Withey

    Michelle Withey


    Very informative and interactive. Staff were pleasant and helpful on the desk/shop. My favourite part was the boat simulator which gave the feeling and motion of being on a boat. There was an activity where there were a selection of fragrances which you would expect to experience if you were out to sea. I also enjoyed creating a boat and testing whether it would float to the other end of the water vessel. I give it a 4 star and not a 5 star because of the lack of staff interaction. There was one volunteer who just wandered around the building, basically doing her own thing. She did not interact with anyone, children included. She could have done a demonstration or something similar especially for people like me who, found aspects of the visit a little laborious. Other than that, I would recommend visiting here. You'll need about 2-3 hours depending on how big your group is. I liked that we were able to go out of the building and re-enter on the same day; for as many times as you wished on the day. This was helpful as we popped out briefly for lunch.

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