Marks & Spencer St Helier i St. Helier

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54-58 Mansion Le Riche Kings Street, St. Helier JE4 8NB, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 508700
Latitude: 49.1847482, Longitude: -2.1079243
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Kommentar 5

  • rosamund churchill

    rosamund churchill


    Always like shopping in marks and Spencers, it's my first port of call if I need anything, as items are of good quality

  • Kevin john Foster

    Kevin john Foster


    This store has been here for ages , plenty of room to shop u can get good food clothing etc

  • Debbie Hardisty

    Debbie Hardisty


    Womens clothing on the ground floor but be sure to venture to the first floor for more. Take the lift or the escalator to the first floor where you'll also find menswear and clothing for children. There is a café here too. On the ground floor, toward the back of the store, M&S food is available which is more expensive than other local supermarkets but is always good quality, so worth paying that little bit extra.

  • Hans Martens

    Hans Martens


    A good M&S on Jersey. Stocked as can be expected. Good food department.

  • Hilary Knowles

    Hilary Knowles


    As with all Marks and Spencer stores this sells clothing. Accessories. Fresh flowers and food. This store is quite small compared to many. Therefore they have less space for displaying their stock & have resticted sizes available on their clothing range. They do however have a cafe on the top floor. I was disappointed when I visited because I was hoping to buy presents I'd seen in other M & S stores but sadly these were not available from this one.

Nærmeste Stormagasin:

de Gruchys

50-52 King Street, St. Helier
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