Pomme d’Or Hotel i Saint Helier

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Liberation Square, St Helier JE1 3UF
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 880110
Hjemmeside: www.pommedorhotel.com
Latitude: 49.1829076, Longitude: -2.1085977
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Kommentar 5

  • David Manners

    David Manners


    We have stayed in this very good hotel before but recently stayed elsewhere but still enjoy the bar/cafe for evening meals.

  • John Fox

    John Fox


    Dreadful service in the 'Harbour Room' restaurant where a 'sumptuous' buffet was order of the day for evening meal offering. The food looked at those it had been there for hours, but worst of all was the Maitre D's attitude when I asked for a table by the window. I was informed that the only remaining table was reserved for a couple who were staying for a few weeks and it was their favourite. I could not have it. Tough, possession is nine tenths of the law, so I sat down and insisted on being served. I received knowing, dirty looks from the waiting staff, but all the time I was in the restaurant the long-staying couple did not appear, so what harm could have been done by letting me have their table for one evening?

  • dave pelton

    dave pelton


    We ate in the adjoining Cafe bar which is part of the Pomme d'Or hotel. Very tasty prawn and avocado brioche roll and sweet chilli chicken wrap. With a couple of drinks came yo about £30. Classy place, so seemed about the right price. Quick polite service and nice surroundings. Very good.

  • Tim Waters

    Tim Waters


    Historic hotel. Very pleasant staff. Great location. Definitely recommend visiting.

  • Robert Patten

    Robert Patten


    This review, isn't about the hotel...but rather, the small bar...The Wharf, which is attached to said hotel. Not the greatest selection of beers and certainly not the cheapest, but SUPER friendly and efficient staff...who certainly go the extra mile to ensure your visit is memorable. Does attract the usual suspects, who wouldn't be out of place in any city ghetto pub...but rest assured, you'll not feel threatened and likely be as welcomed by them, as those in your local. Certainly worth a visit. Recommended.

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