Hotel Cristina i St Lawrence

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Le Mont Felard JE3 1JA
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 758024
Latitude: 49.200151, Longitude: -2.139168
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Kommentar 5

  • Maggie Savidge

    Maggie Savidge


    Love love love this hotel. Stunning views. Excellent breakfast and dinner. Staff couldn't be more helpful. Would we go back??? Yes definitely 100% so easy to hop on the busses and explore Jersey from here.

  • Thomas Charles Phillips

    Thomas Charles Phillips


    Nice views

  • Ian Turnbull

    Ian Turnbull


    The hotel great lovely room with a view over the bay. outdoor pool very nice the staff fantastic very helpful in every way. Food very good.

  • Laura Slaughter

    Laura Slaughter


    Stayed there 4 nights because of the reviews. I was in room 21, all rooms ending with 1 face the street. The noise was horrible. Guests yelling and slamming doors at 2:45am to man screaming in the street outside the hotel. Breakfast was good but, I had to continuously request them to refill items. No pepper in pepper shaker, ran out of fresh orange juice, ran out of brown bread. The room was nice, if you took out the noise. They did provide a nice cheese plate and wine upon arrival. Also, helped locate a nice tour company. Tried to post feedback before, but for some reason Trip Advisor is only allowing posts of 4 or 5. I had heard about them limiting reviews, but this is the first time I have personally experienced it. I now am very wary of Trip Advisor and will do more research with a variety of review companies.

  • simone wilson

    simone wilson


    Absolutley love this hotel and all the staff, they make you feel so welcome they all go out of their way to be helpful. The food is outstanding , the rooms are spotless so is the rest of the hotel along with the grounds. The views from our room are stunning. Will definately be coming back.

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