Jersey General Hospital i Jersey

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The Parade, JE1 3QS, Jersey, JE Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 442000
Latitude: 49.1877815, Longitude: -2.1119691
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Kommentar 5

  • Eva LeChevere

    Eva LeChevere


    They helped me and my mum. When she gave birth to me because I nearly died from birth because my mum was sick when I was in side her. Staff thank you for saving my life and my mum.

  • Tracey Coote

    Tracey Coote


    Had my operation today performed by Matt Stephenson and have nothing but admiration for him and all the fantastic theatre and ward staff involved.

  • Jane Fletcher

    Jane Fletcher


    Many many thanks to the amazing staff in A&E Jersey General Hospital I’ve had the opportunity to visit the A&E twice in one month!! Minor accidents compared to the general admissions but nevertheless enough for me to require assistance! We’re very fortunate to have such a high standard of care & never to be taken for granted. Many thanks from a grateful patient. With regards Jane Feltham-Fletcher

  • Mark Wilbourn

    Mark Wilbourn


    Excellent hygiene, clinically competent staff and good communication skills. Friendly, helpful staff throughout journey. I wish I wasn’t here, but having seen many NHS hospitals and a few in the US, there is nowhere better.

  • Richard Ireson

    Richard Ireson


    I attended the radiology department, twice within the last 8 days. You could not ask for kinder more attentive staff. They really put you at ease, thank you.

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