QuoteSearch i Whiteley

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4400, Parkway, PO15 7FJ, Whiteley, Hampshire, GB United Kingdom
Kontakter telefon: +44 1489 663180
Hjemmeside: www.quotesearch.com
Latitude: 50.879109, Longitude: -1.238652
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Kommentar 5

  • Alan Morris

    Alan Morris


    Customer care is unheard of to this shower of money grubbing vultures. After unsuccessfully trying to unsubscribe I am using this forum to express my intense anger at this companies crash bang invade everyone's privacy for the sake of a quick buck attitude. I don't want, need, nor have I asked for an insurance quote, in the first place I am to old to qualify for anything on your books. Reminding me that I am old is not necessary I see it every day in my mirror. I have noticed however that I am looking considerably older due to the unrelenting stress of receiving these unsolicited e mails from someone called Daisy. Please, please, please, leave me alone to spend my days in peace and quite, stop invading my life and privacy. Any company this unscrupulous and uncaring is not a company I would do business with anyway. If you are a perspective customer reading this review be warned you are about to do business with a company who don't give a flying fig about you, they just want your money. Vote with your feet go elsewhere and find a company who first and foremost listen to their customers, not this shower of money hungry vultures. I have never done this before, but then have been so badly treated by a company like this before. If I have saved you from the world of misery I am currently receiving from this company then my job is done here. Oh the one star I have to give that in order to get this posted

  • Pat Sharpe

    Pat Sharpe


    The senior operator put me a ease, before launching into his spiel. Thomas James explained my request for Life, for my husband. He clear, percise and used words that were easy to understand, his knowledge in the product he was selling to me was top class. I was extremely impressed. Regards Pat and Jim Sharpe

  • Moira Boswell

    Moira Boswell


    Thank you for helping me find a life insurance for myself, much cheaper than what I'm paying just now and for much more cover 😀😀😀😀 one happy customer. Will recommend ! 👍👍

  • Pauline Orr

    Pauline Orr


    Asked all the right questions. Got the quote and price to suite without going around the houses. Looked at what I wanted not what they wanted me to spend. Happy

  • Peter Cooke

    Peter Cooke


    Thanks go here to Mr Ben Frost for setting up life insurance for me and my partner. Was never rushed. Very knowledgeable about the product he was offering through Legal and General. When had later questions and had to leave message for him he got back relatively quickly. The whole process for my first time was made simple.

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