Animal Kingdom Ltd i St John

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Unit 1a Barette Commercial Centre, La Route Du Mont Mado, JE3 4DS
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 860555
Latitude: 49.244694, Longitude: -2.12477
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Kommentar 5

  • Jessica Le Marquand

    Jessica Le Marquand


    Took my 6 month old puppy there for her first haircut. Great, knowledgeable and friendly staff. Trimmed just her face and back end so as not to stress her out the first time. Loved her hair cut and felt very confident in the staff. Even got diet advice too which was really helpful. Would definitely return. Plus the shop itself has huge selections of food and toys etc for a wide range of animals.

  • John Fosse

    John Fosse


    Always great service and advice with friendly staff and

  • Julie chalker

    Julie chalker


    Excellent customer service, and very friendly, helpful and welcoming staff always happy to help, nothing too much trouble.

  • anita blampied

    anita blampied


    Every thing you need under one roof. Staff are lovely and prices are good

  • Robert Godfray

    Robert Godfray


    This is a good pet shop place for all animals. There is a good range for horses including clothing it looks like you can get any animal products. There is also a place for dog grooming. Staff are helpful.

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