Avis i St Peter

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La Rue Cappelain, St. Peter, JE3 7BH
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 519100
Hjemmeside: www.avis.co.uk
Latitude: 49.2045969, Longitude: -2.1795391
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Kommentar 5

  • Brad



    new car just 15miles on the clock when picking up, very easy to drop back off. Due to Avis been off the airport I just had to go get car inspected and signed off then was allowed to drive car the extra 5mins to airport and leave it in the main car part and just post keys in a box in airport.. stress free!

  • Oliver Ashton

    Oliver Ashton


    I use avis almost monthly and I have always spoken to helpful and friendly staff. Short drive from the airport to the depot on the minibus, but I have never waited more than 5 minutes. Dropping the car off at the airport is hassle free. When I have picked up/dropped off cars outside of opening hours the staff have been helpful and it was very easy. Also the price is very reasonable.

  • Tracey



    Fantastic service, excellent price, prompt friendly pick up from jersey airport to collect car. Hassle free handover of a clean and tidy car. No Pre pay petrol that other car hire companies charge in Channel Islands, one in particular charges £33 for 1/4 tank fuel! Easy drop off at the airport too. Thank you for making our weekend a memorable one!

  • ivor Tyrrell

    ivor Tyrrell


    Fleece you for cdw insurance, concur with the comments about the staff not being helpful unless you take their insurance, almost bullied into taking their insurance, "one scratch and I'll bill you £1000", avoid if you have a choice

  • Tibor Horvath

    Tibor Horvath


    You get an almost empty fuel car, and encouraged to return it as empty as you can, so you have to fill it up on your own cost, but yet they charge you for fuel. Doesn't make sense! They charge you for fuel they don't provide.

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