Beuvelande Campsite i Saint-Martin

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Rue de Beuvelande, Saint-Martin, JE Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 853575
Latitude: 49.2111547, Longitude: -2.0462481
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Kommentar 5

  • Sydney



    Fun camping for everyone. Good bathrooms, no organised activitys but good play area, pool and shop. There is also a café if you want to eat in. Overall, would highly recommend!

  • Jose Gouveia

    Jose Gouveia


    Good campsite, very clean and organized, I always enjoyed

  • Sue Prouten

    Sue Prouten


    We stayed at this campsite in September 2016. It was just out of season so we had been informed that the restaurant and bar was closed. Beautiful flat campsite and all of the showers and toilet were lovely and clean. When we were at the ferry terminal to leave a guy came up with leaflets to stay at a pitch they were setting up, no facilities or water or electric and they wanted more per night than at this campsite, basically it was a car park. We are going back again this year and wouldn’t want to stay anywhere on the island and can’t wait to return

  • graham proctor

    graham proctor


    It's OK. The pitches are very close to one another and for bigger tents it's a tight squeeze. Had some very rowdy neighbours who were constantly banging around and making lots of noise well after midnight. Guys on site were lovely but site was just too big. It's not the usual camping and caravan type of site. Facilities were average but no bar open the 7 days we were there. Would not go again.

  • Jon Woods

    Jon Woods


    Very welcoming staff. The pitches are large and mostly flat, we experienced a heavy thunderstorm overnight, and the pitches drained quickly and the site remained mostly mud free. The facilities are very good but considering the size of the site there should be more of them. The bar and evening entertainment are splendid, this is not due to them being smart and swanky, but due to the inclusive nature of the staff who are friendly and helpful. The site is well situated as a base to experience all that Jersey has to offer. It is one of those strange places that can allow you a peaceful and relaxing holiday or a fun and entertaining break. The choice is yours, and is enabled by the hardest working staff you will find on Jersey.

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