Rozel Camping Park i Jersey

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La Grande Route de Rozel, JE3 6AX
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 855200
Latitude: 49.230209, Longitude: -2.043972
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Kommentar 5

  • Julie King

    Julie King


    Lovely site, staff very friendly and helpful, very clean amenities. Large pitches, would highly recommend.

  • Andrew Delves

    Andrew Delves


    Wonderful campsite very welcoming and easy going, facilities are great shower blocks clean and tidy and it has a great outdoor pool heatered to around 27-29degrees so good to relax in. Area is great away from the hustle and bustle but still plenty to do. Beach cove just down the road walking distance 15mins or car 5 with parking what more could you ask for. Would throughly recommend jersey as a whole great place to chill and relax

  • David Gilmour

    David Gilmour


    What can I say....all the reviews say it all...awesome....

  • Rémi M

    Rémi M


    Excellent camping. Sanitaires très propres à n'importe quelle heure de la journée. Accueil chaleureux, personnel ultra sympathique. Je recommande vivement !

  • Kevin Booker

    Kevin Booker


    I first visited the site in 2003, and my wife and I have stayed there, in our tent, every summer since we met in 2007. It is a lovely relaxing location, with all the facilities you need (which are well looked after). The shower blocks and swimming pool were also newly re-furbished prior to the 2016 season. The owners are friendly and helpful - we couldn't wish for more! There is free broadband wi-fi, which is now available across the campsite (new for 2017).

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