Domino's Pizza - Jersey - St Helier i Saint Helier

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58 - 60 Saint Saviour's Road, Saint Helier JE2 4LA, Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 281111
Latitude: 49.185877, Longitude: -2.098277
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Kommentar 5

  • Adam



    I usually collect from this place and they always have the order ready when I'm there. Full of young sprogs, so expect quick service, at a Fast Food level and remember you're not going to Waitrose or the Bank :)

  • Aldo Sappé

    Aldo Sappé


    Really friendly staff, especially Jack, Ben and Zach

  • Fabio Militello

    Fabio Militello


    Nice place for a quick (or not quick) pizza to take away or eat in.

  • Nat Baulch-Jones

    Nat Baulch-Jones


    They won't take online orders and it's impossible to get through to someone on the phone.. 👎 When you do eventually get through the pizza is great, will update to 5 stars when this is fixed

  • Shaurya Ahlawat

    Shaurya Ahlawat


    Ordered pizza for delivery and was told it would take 25-30 minutes, 1hr 30mins later NO pizza so I decided to call them and ask where my pizza was, as usual they NEVER pick their phone up so I had to go ALL THE WAY TO dominoes only to find that they don’t even deliver to my address(which I wasn’t even told on the phone or with a simple callback)😡 I think I’ll stick to Pizza Hut which is far better and saves a lot more time!

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