Robin Hood Takeaway i Saint Helier

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10, Union Street, JE2 3RH, Saint Helier, JE Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 608999
Latitude: 49.186362, Longitude: -2.1067409
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Kommentar 5

  • Isabel Gonçalves

    Isabel Gonçalves


    I cannot tell you how much you should avoid this place. Their customer servixe clearly needs a complete change. Their staff is very rude e unprofessional. If you have a complaint for them delivering the wrong order you are screwed. They will put you on hold for a long time on the call just waiting for you give up. They will hang up the phone on your face several times and if you ask to speak to the manager/supervisor they will just hang up the phone or tell you nobody is there. As far as I know everywhere when you require to speak to the manager you should be able to do it, speacially when you are dealing with ignorant staff. Anyway, never again! Lesson learnt!!

  • John Beckwith

    John Beckwith


    Good fresh cooked food and affordable

  • Noel Nicolas

    Noel Nicolas


    Great selection of pizzas Indian food Chinese food and traditional chip shop selection's

  • Lorraine Buck

    Lorraine Buck


    Beautiful & fresh food. Plenty of options for all tastes, especially the vegan in our group!

  • Jacques Arnold

    Jacques Arnold


    The overall food is great and the variety of choices provides many options. The only complaint I have is if you order for delivery rather than collection you could be waiting up to an hour

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