The Merton Hotel i Jersey

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Belvedere Hill, JE4 9PG
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 724231
Latitude: 49.1798708, Longitude: -2.0939084
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Kommentar 5

  • Ian Campbell

    Ian Campbell


    View from our room noise from extraction fan goes on All night window open because to hot in room. although hotel supply a useless fan to cool the room,fan in bathroom turns off in the evening so to dam hot when showering 224 nice to have a hot summer day but not in this room.had dinner bonettis twice about 6pm booking each time, third time fancying a pizza at 6pm not booked we were told to have a drink upstairs till 8pm when a table will be available,place at the time was almost empty and not full at 8.15pm not on it doesn't take an hour to eat a pizza and a glass off wine with it so they do not care they lose trade.But in all with the great breakfast ,and efficient room cleaning, Stay wasn't to bad.

  • Craig Marett

    Craig Marett


    Dip & Dine at the Merton is a little rushed. The hour in the pool feels a bit too quick to fully enjoy your time and leaves you feeling rushed. The changing rooms are also tiny and it’s usually a struggle to find a seat to change and you find everyone crowding together at the same time. The lunch itself is okay - starters are cold meats and the seafood is low grade (I had prawns that would full of eggs and then came down violently ill for main on the last occasion I went (obviously the Merton would never admit that it could have been down to them. The mains are okay, but often very sauce led and the deserts feel made a long time in advance and have that film on or slightly hard. Entertainment after is small bouncy castle and amateur face painting. It’s okay, but at £22.50 an adult there is better value around for better.

  • renata skarott

    renata skarott


    Beautiful hotel, had a twin with a bunk for us and 6 ft child. Fab view of swimming pool and lovely service. Great abba night x

  • Mohammed Alam

    Mohammed Alam


    One of the best hotels on the island period. I stayed at the Merton Suites which is fairly big for a couple. View to the ocean can be seen from the 2nd level balconies and above. The bed is comfortable and the room has a kitchenette. Lots of drawers and storage place. There is an additional bed in the room for those who need it. Bathroom are large and well stocked. They got rooms especially for disabled folks too. The hotel has a couple of bars and restaurants and the club has a decent pool and gym. Since, I stayed in the suite didn’t get to interact much with the hotel staff but the folks down at the bar and restaurants are ok. Note: I have mostly seen elderly folks at this hotel. It’s a place you want to be when you want to relax and may not be a great place to party with the young crowd.

  • Andy kitson

    Andy kitson


    The place is clean and well kept. The staff are awesome and so helpful. The breakfast is really big and nice. It's worth it just for that. The bed though was way to hard and the rooms were insanely hot. Not sure I slept at all in this place.

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