Waterstones i Saint Helier

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16, Queen St, JE2 4WD, Saint Helier, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 510051
Hjemmeside: www.waterstones.com
Latitude: 49.1840003, Longitude: -2.1044106
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Kommentar 5

  • stephen polson

    stephen polson


    Loved the experience, staff are so helpful and pleasant with time for everyone in the shop, what they don't know they can quickly find out. Ill be back again and again.

  • André Webb

    André Webb


    Love the feel of this book shop and so do the kids

  • David Gardiner

    David Gardiner


    A nice big Waterstones. Friendly staff and a great location.

  • Alex Marklew

    Alex Marklew


    It is what it is. It has a good 'living with the enemy' section.

  • Veil Gray

    Veil Gray


    Books, toys, stationery, gifts, arts equipment and craft sets and more! If they don't have it, they can order it, if not, they will tell you where you can find it. Very friendly and helpful staff. Place is also pet friendly, so you can take your beloved pooch with you while you browse. (They also have a bowl of water for four-legged friends). Wheelchair access and elevator to first floor. Visit and have a browse!

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