Hotel De Normandie i Saint Saviour

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Havre De Pas, JE2 7PD, Saint Saviour, Channel Islands, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 721347
Latitude: 49.1773043, Longitude: -2.0972165
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Kommentar 5

  • Carole Simples Wilson

    Carole Simples Wilson


    Fantastic hotel, staff are lovely, breakfast was unreal, could do with air conditioning in the rooms as it was so hot through the night, & a fridge wouldn’t go a miss, other than this, a lovely 2 week stay...😁😁

  • Luke O'Rafferty

    Luke O'Rafferty


    The reception staff were great but I was initially checked into a room that hadn't been cleaned. Whilst the full breakfast options are only available from 7.30, the reception staff had said a full continental option would be available earlier as I need to leave at 7.30. However when I got there the serving staff said that only cereal was available when I got there (no parties, breads, cold meats, etc.) so I certainly overpaid for breakfast. The second room I was given was fine, and I though a sea view would be great, though late night people hanging outside the pub opposite taking was not what I wanted.

  • MrJamod265



    Decent hotel 10 mins walk for centre and next to beach. Good food and friendly staff, room clean and comfortable. Maybe a bit pricey but would consider going back.

  • Glen Randles

    Glen Randles


    It has improved every time I stay. The staff are very helpful and friendly and the food is excellent. Situated right next to the beach. Best feature is the helpful staff

  • Doris Cremer

    Doris Cremer


    In die Jahre gekommenes Hotel. In Ordnung für ein paar Nächte, aber meinen gesamten Urlaub möchte ich dort nicht verbringen. Der Frühstücksraum liegt im "Keller" und ist wirklich ungemütlich. Die Freundlichkeit des Personals ist in Ordnung.

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