Mornington Hotel i Saint Helier

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67, Don Road, JE2 4QA, Saint Helier, JE Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 724452
Latitude: 49.1814229, Longitude: -2.0984289
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Kommentar 5

  • David Pratt

    David Pratt


    Good hotel, non-corporate, a bit different from the usual. Friendly helpful owners and staff. One of the few hotels I have stayed in which offers a breakfast served at the table. Plenty of choice of breakfast. Been there 3 times... enough said!

  • anwar87999



    Nice hotel and excellent location, in overall good value for the money. recommended

  • Jonathan Parker

    Jonathan Parker


    Cosy, clean rooms. Helpful staff. Limited parking.

  • virginie duchemin

    virginie duchemin


    Très bon rapport qualité prix. LA chambre était propre. Literie impeccable. Le petit déjeuner copieux. Un seul bémol l insonorisation. On entend la route. Acceuil chaleureux.

  • Peter Kohn

    Peter Kohn


    If your looking for a 1980"s style retro hotel then this is the hotel for you. The hotel is set in the past but with style. The owners are very welcoming and the staff are all very friendly and nothing is too much for them. That's another good trait that this hotel has kept from the past too called customer service. Lovely cosy bar and TV room and parking available. Wouldnt hesitate in recommending this hotel to anyone wanting to spend time in Jersey and feel at home and welcome. Better than these modern built hotels with no customer service

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