Mayfair Hotel i Saint Helier

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50, St Saviours Road, JE2 4LA, Saint Helier, JE Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 735511
Latitude: 49.185173, Longitude: -2.0988822
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Kommentar 5

  • Gillian Marriott

    Gillian Marriott


    Just arrived home from a week at this hotel. This hotel is super. The staff were really friendly and helpful at all times. The entertainment was great. Food was good and plentiful. I can't wait to return. Thanks to all at the Mayfair. ☺

  • FlightSim Centre

    FlightSim Centre


    Absolute joke. Paid £125 per night for a family room (room 135) on the 1st floor which was directly above the 1960s tribute band in the function room below us! The band played until 23:12 i asked to see the manager but he refused to come to my room to hear it or even talk about and said i must see Mr S Webb in the morning. Are they nuts putting a family room (with bunk beds) above a full on band! Shocking absolutely shocking. Won't be here again and couldn't recommend.

  • John Eeles

    John Eeles


    Clean and pleasant in that way that the 1980's brought on. Very hot rooms. Good facilities..

  • Jeremy Wallach

    Jeremy Wallach


    This is a three-star hotel in St. Helier. Great amenities and very comfortable. Parking lot is a bit difficult to negotiate in some areas, but overall, a good place to stay if that's what you're looking for.

  • Joe Moon

    Joe Moon


    Staff very rude in restaurant. Removing plates before your finished. Leaning across you to serve others. A smile is an easy expression, try it.Had no tea /coffee in room since first day ,been here 4 so far.Very noisy during the night with doors banging. Can't leave windows open if your staying at the front due to noise level from cars .Still have 3 more days ,can't wait to get home .

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