The Best Western Royal Hotel i Saint Helier

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David Place, JE2 4TD, Saint Helier, JE Jersey
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 726521
Latitude: 49.1889056, Longitude: -2.1029444
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Kommentar 5

  • James Rigby

    James Rigby


    Great hotel staff and food excellent Service in the bar spot on. Good location. 10 minutes to the front

  • Mike Horwood

    Mike Horwood


    Reasonably priced hotel. Rooms are quite adequate. The shower is over a bath, but works. The corridors to the room are a bit of a nightmare, as the signs are confusing, but fine once you know where your room is.

  • Artur Barnecki

    Artur Barnecki


    Paper walls, but people are great. For a weekend stay it's very good price/quality ratio.

  • Andrew Blaikie

    Andrew Blaikie


    Great hotel and the staff were friendly, really helpful and attentive without being intrusive. Breakfasts were excellent and filling particularly the full english. The hotel was close to the centre of St Helier but easy enough to drive out to travel to the beautiful bays and beaches of Jersey.

  • Jan Parker

    Jan Parker


    We stayed there over Easter it was lovely the meals we're fantastic (keep hold of your chef 😜) the rooms were nice also *You have a lovely Greek waitress it was only her second week she was so sweet very helpful and had a beautiful smile * like your different colour candle holders every night 👎only downside is the car park it's horrendous !!

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