Stafford Hotel i Saint Helier

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Kensington Place, JE2 3PA, Saint Helier, Jersey, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 611111
Latitude: 49.1879966, Longitude: -2.1132299
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Kommentar 5

  • Nigel White

    Nigel White


    A nice, friendly establishment. The staff just couldn't do enough for you. The room was serviced each morning, so always clean. The beds were comfortable and there was plenty of storage space. The restaurant was well serviced with very friendly and attentive staff. Needless to say the kitchen staff did a wonderful job producing lovely food from breakfast to evening meals. Well done to all at this hotel for helping to make our holiday one to remember and all in the right way. 😊

  • chris hopwood

    chris hopwood


    Very dated interior felt like it from last century. Apart from that nice hotel.

  • Stuart Crisp

    Stuart Crisp


    Good location near the sea front and town centre ,friendly ,efficient staff, superb breakfasts , slightly old fashioned but very comfortable !

  • Robert Fitzsimmons

    Robert Fitzsimmons


    Room clean and spacious Staff brilliant breakfast could not be beaten huge range of products

  • David Dill

    David Dill


    very reasonably priced. superb location and excellent and helpful staff. great breakfast. rooms need a bit updating but location and staff make it a good choice to explore the island. returning again in a few months with a good early booking deal.

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