Longueville Manor Hotel and Restaurant i St.Saviour

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Longueville Road, JE2 7WF, St.Saviour, Jersey, GB
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 725501
Hjemmeside: www.longuevillemanor.com
Latitude: 49.183765, Longitude: -2.079699
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Kommentar 5

  • Charlotte Le Maistre

    Charlotte Le Maistre


    Never stayed overnight but have been for afternoon tea /dinners. The whole place and gardens are absolutely beautiful. Food is always fantastic quality and staff go out of their way for you. They are very accommodating to allergies. Quite pricey but more than worth every penny.

  • gemma ellington

    gemma ellington


    One of the best cream teas I've ever had. The gardens are beautiful

  • Jonathan Timmis

    Jonathan Timmis


    Amazing food and by far one of the best places to go on the island. The service is outstanding and quality of food, simply sublime.

  • inspiredbya BlueJay

    inspiredbya BlueJay


    Superb Afternoon Tea! 👌🏼 Beautiful place, Very tranquil Stunning grounds even in the dank weather we had today Lovely staff... ALL of them were very friendly helpful and attentive without being at all invasive Great ambiance Definitely going back to try more from the menu 👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼👌🏼

  • Joshua Green

    Joshua Green


    A wonderful experience and definitely worth the higher cost when compared to other hotels in St Helier. I have stayed in most of them and can guarantee you will not be disappointed with the Longueville Manor. I would have to add just one minor issue - I did feel the good was overpriced for both the quality and quantity of dishes on offer. Having said that, the rooms, the lounge and the breakfast dining all made the stay one of my best on the island.

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