The Royal Yacht i Saint Helier

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Weighbridge, St Helier JE2 3NF
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 720511
Latitude: 49.182513, Longitude: -2.107736
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Kommentar 5

  • Siobhan Kerr

    Siobhan Kerr


    Lovely hotel. 14 of us stayed and not one of us had a bad word to say! Spa was lovely, staff lovely, breakfast lovely and location was perfect.

  • Richard Abel

    Richard Abel


    The steak bar is amazing honestly it is easily the best steak in jersey, it's always better if you get a seat at the bar and not in the back room for some reason. The pints are pretty good aswell not too badly priced the outside seating area with table service is decent... and when the weather is good you can end up spending a bomb the music is pretty average but some nights they nail it. There are three bars in the drift which are a bit of a nightmare to que so I always grab a couple of drinks to keep going, there is seating in there but the music is so loud you need to master sign language. But other then that it's rather good.

  • Mike Grove

    Mike Grove


    Great location, central to the town, good selection of restaurants and bars nearby. The hotel itself has multiple restaurants, only had breakfast here and sampled Hectors fish and chips... yum

  • gemma ellington

    gemma ellington


    Great food. Impeccable service. Waiter are so attentive without being intrusive

  • Chris Dibben

    Chris Dibben


    The Yacht is a really nice hotel, I've no doubt I'll return here on one of my upcoming trips to St Helier. My room was good, bed was comfortable, it had the facilities I needed and the bathroom was nice and modern. I didn't eat at the hotel, but the restaurants look like decent eateries - trouble is there's just so many great places to eat nearby so I like to get out of the hotel. Whilst I was staying on my own for business I'm sure the wife would have liked it too.

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