The Club Hotel & Spa i Saint Helier

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Green Street St Helier JE, St Helier JE2 4UH
Kontakter telefon: +44 1534 876500
Latitude: 49.1814229, Longitude: -2.1023851
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Kommentar 5

  • Aaron Le Flohic

    Aaron Le Flohic


    Lovely rooms, staff, food and service! Would recommend to anyone who wants a weekend get away to relax and be pampered!

  • Gail Hughes

    Gail Hughes


    Very upset on arrival as our room was not available due to mix up in booking. We were asked to stay in another hotel for one night, this was booked and taxi provided for us. Taxi picked us up for return to The Club the next day. The receptionist was very poor and told us the room would not be available until 3:00pm, as we had not been able to unpack overnight we were not very happy, however, the reservation manager got this all sorted to our satisfaction and more than made up for the upset. The room and service was excellent as was the breakfast. We also ate at the Bohemia Restaurant which again was excellent the staff very attentive. Also the housekeeping service was very good. All in all a very good stay, only the one receptionist who was very poor and needs some training in customer service.

  • Claire Wade

    Claire Wade


    Great facilities & friendly staff. Hot stone massage was amazing

  • Simon Cooke

    Simon Cooke


    Great stay here, central location and a lovely facility. The heated indoor salt pool is a decent size and the salt room sauna excellent. The spa facilities are overall beautifully done and the whole place oozes a luxurious finish. Excellent staff, great breakfast and a Michelin star restaurant downstairs; what else do you want?!

  • Marian Bolton

    Marian Bolton


    Underwhelming in my opinion given the '5 star internet hype'. Definitely did not meet our expectations. Also the air conditioning generator continuously emits a loud droning noise including all through the night. It kept us awake pretty much all through the first night. They moved us to another room however we could hear it even more in the second room and also the bed was smaller. We asked to be moved back to the original room or another but were told they were fully booked. Will not be returning here. Extremely disappointed given the price of the rooms. We discovered much nicer hotels for the same money or a bit less even though they were only 4 star.

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